Saturday, October 27, 2007

2007 Global Alliance for Democracy and Peace Sixth Annual World Convention

Date: 10/27/2007
Location: San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel
Performance Program:
1. 高山青
2. It's a Small world
3. What can one little person do
4. 天黑黑
5. 西北雨
6. 伊是咱的寶貝

From Marriott Event

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Volunteer Notice 9/16 Children's Moon Festival

Date: 9/16/2007
Location: Mitchell Park, Palo Alto

From Children's Moon Festival

When: Sunday, Sep 16, 2007
Time: 5:30 PM
Where: In the front of the booth of "Make your own lantern station"
Mitchell Park, Palo Alto

Dress code:
Kids Boy wear the white T-shirt (long or short sleeves are fine) and the jean pants on the bottom. We will provide the native-Taiwanese vest.
Kids Girl wear the white T-shirt (long or short sleeves are fine) and the short pants on the bottom. We will provide the native-Taiwanese vest and the short skirt.
You can bring snack or dinner and sit on the lawn and enjoy it !!

Volunteer Notice 台灣會館音樂會:Formosa Dreaming 福爾摩沙之夢

謝謝大家的幫忙 ^_^
From Formosa Dream...

When: Saturday, Sep 15, 2007

Time: 2:00 PM

Where: Jubilee Christian Center
105 Nortech Parkway, San Jose, Ca 95134

Dress code:
Adults wear the white polo shirt with the TAC logo and there is no limitation for the bottem.
Kids Boy wear white T-shirt (no matter long or short sleeve) and jean pant on the bottom we will let them wear native-Taiwanese vest.
Kids Girl wear white T-shirt (no matter long or short sleeve) and short pant on the bottom because we will let them wear native-Taiwanese vest and skirt.


  • The program is from 3:30-6:30pm

  • When the concert begins, please take your kids to the 2nd floor and enjoy the concert.

  • We will provide the babysitting service in the Buffet room if your child cannot sit through the concert. We have 5 cameras recording the concert, please be very quiet. We would like to recommend to leave your kids at the Buffet room and enjoy the concert.

  • During the concert, Leona will lead the kids to practice for the 9/16 event. If your kids join the 9/16 event, please let your kids follow Leona. Thank you.

  • After the concert, we need kids to stay and help for the raffles prizes.

  • When the event is complete, there will be a buffet style dinner to thank your support. If you cannot stay that late, it’s ok.

  • If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you very much.

    台灣會館 再推大型音樂會 福爾摩沙之夢15日登場台灣師範大學交響樂團及合唱團參加演出
    主辦單位表示,舉辦演出的聖荷西喜慶基督中心(Jubilee Christian Center)大教堂,擁有近四千個座位,以及價值百萬元的音響設備,能夠充分保障演出效果。音樂會上還有抽獎,獎品包括機票、鑽戒等。
    「福爾摩沙之夢」音樂會訂於9月15日(星期六)下午3時30分至6時,在聖荷西Jubilee Christian Center教堂舉行。地址:105 Nortech Parkway, San Jose, CA。電話(510)790-9868,如需查詢音樂會資訊,請在上午10時至下午3時間致電。網址。

    Wednesday, September 5, 2007

    2007 開學囉


    1. 台灣學校將在9/7開課,各班老師將發email簡介自己及通知各班注意事項,請留意。

    2. 開學日當天5:45我們將假會館二樓舉行家長會,請您撥冗參加。我們將介紹今年的新老師,新幹事,及學校近期活動。有興趣汽車共乘(car pool)的,也請在同時填表。

    3. 今年我們增加了健康調查表,由各班老師發給學生,請您填妥後繳交各班老師。

    4. 會館新增台灣學校助學金,有意者請填妥資料繳交辦公室。

    5. 會館/學校新增課程有:
      • 兒童合唱班。每週五下午4:50-5:30。9/14開課一學年29週收費145元。Gloria Chang老師目前任教於Warwick Elementary School.

      • 個人兒童鋼琴/小提琴班。每週五下午3:30-5:30。一個月一期,每堂課30分鐘15元。老師Alison Chang目前就讀於Mission San Jose High School.

      • 幼兒音樂班。每週二下午1:30-2:10。9/11開課。一期10次90元。老師周慧敏為灣區資深音樂老師。

      • 國畫班。每隔週六上午10:00-12:00上課。9/8開課。 一期6次50元。老師尤燕玉授課40餘年,開過多次畫展。

      • 兒童西班牙語班。分初級及中級班。籌備中。

    6. 會館將在9/15舉辦大型音樂會:福爾摩沙之夢。由來自台灣師大交響樂團演奏。詳情請見網站也請大家告訴大家。

    Dear Parents:

    1. The Fremont Taiwan School will start on September 7, 2007. The teachers of each class will send an e-mail to introduce herself/himself and some important information. Please kindly review the information provided.

    2. You are invited to join us for the parent orientation on September 7 at 5:45 P.M. During the meeting which will be held on the second floor of the Taiwanese Center, we will introduce to you the new teachers, new staff, and new activities. If you are interested in car pooling, a form will be provided at the meeting.

    3. We are going to include a medical survey form which will be distributed by your child/children's teacher(s). Please return the form back to the teacher after you fill it out.

    4. Taiwanese Center is providing financial aid for education this year. If you are interested in applying, please fill out the form and return it to the office.

    5. Taiwanese Center is providing new classes listed below:
      • Children's Choir will be held on Fridays at 4:50 P.M. The class lasts 40 minutes. There are 29 lessons and the tuition is $145.00 per student. The conductor is Gloria Chang who is currently teaching at Warwick Elementary School.

      • Children's piano/violin classes will be held on Fridays at 3:30 P.M. Classes will start on September 14. Each class lasts 30 minutes and the tuition is $15.00 per student. The instructor, Alison Chang, is currently a student at Mission San Jose High School.

      • Music lessons for toddlers between the ages of 2 and 4 will be held on Tuesdays at 1:30 P.M. Classes will start on September 11. There are 10 classes for each session and the tuition is $90.00. The teacher, Christian Chou, has great reputation around the Bay area.

      • Chinese brush painting classes will be held every other Saturdays at 10:00 A.M. and will last 2 hours. Classes will start on September 8. There are 6 classes each session and the tuition is $50.00. The teacher has been teaching for over 40 years and has hosted many exhibitions.

      • Children's Spanish language classes are in the process of planning.

    6. Taiwanese Center is hosting a musical performance entitled Formosa Dreaming performed by the Orchestra of National Taiwan Normal University. For more information, please visit the Taiwanese Center's website at and share the information with all your friends.

    Tuesday, August 7, 2007

    2007 台灣會館兒童夏令營

    由台灣會館主辦, 為期四週 (7/9~8/3) 的兒童夏令營,終於,在小朋友快樂的唱歌和跳舞聲中圓滿結束了。


    第一天上課,新的環境對小朋友來說,難免有點不自在,不過很快的這些小朋友就玩的不亦樂乎打成一片了。每天下午Miss Gloria的音樂營總是最受小朋友歡迎,看著一雙雙認真專注的眼睛及喜悅的表情,小朋友們熱情的參與,讓家長在音樂營發表會中看到小朋友們唱著各國的童謠,配合簡單的舞蹈,”安可,安可”加上掌聲不斷就是大家的反應。

    由Dr. Hochie 精心規劃的”EQ&自信” 課,是針對小朋友來提出活動主題,並設計活動課程,以啟發、遊戲、主動參與的方式,引導小朋友在活潑、有趣的主題式遊戲中學習。(Dr. Hochie現任職於Berkerly ER room 的小兒科醫師。)

    很幸運的我們請到從小在哥斯大黎加長大,剛搬到Fremont住的Mr. Miguel來教西班牙語。一星期三次,利用短短的一小時,教小朋友簡單的問候語和常見的生活用品,另外,Miguel為了加強小朋友的印象,特別還教唱Spanish的”Happy Birthday”和”Head, Shoulder, Knee and Toes” 。Mr. Miguel告訴我,他在哥斯大黎加教大學生的經驗,這次教導小小朋友可真是難上加難。他必須使出十八般武藝,來引起小朋友的興趣,還得和他們玩遊戲,所以,每當課程結束後,我看到的他都是滿頭大汗。當我們問他結婚後是否要生小孩,他嚇壞了直搖手和頭,”不了,不了,想到就害怕”。

    上中文課,王雪貞老師教導小朋友背誦弟子規,並用生動活潑的方式講解內容,連我那不愛上課只愛玩的小女兒,上完第一次課後還主動問我”媽媽,明天王老師還會來上課嗎?”可見王雪貞老師的教學功力是多厲害! 王老師除了教中文課外,她還特別凖備了抽牌
    得獎品,教小朋友DIY做竹蜻蜓(不用竹片,用紙片加吸管) ,玩尫仔標,打彈珠,丟沙包,套圈圈,讓這些美國長大的小朋友們,體!驗一下台灣古早童玩。


    說到”吃”,一定要提我們幫小朋友準備的中餐。本次夏令營的中餐是由辛苦的義工梅英和麗雪掌廚,菜色均經過細心設計來配合小朋友的營養和口味。我們還特別準備了一些正港台灣味的大腸麵線,米粉湯,玉米火腿蛋餅和珍珠奶茶,深受小朋友的歡迎,所以,許多小朋友一大早就來問工作人員” 阿姨,今天的中餐吃什麼?” 還有幾個只上半天課的小朋友,特別為了美味的中餐留下來,除此之外,我們尤其特別注意餐飲衛生,以維護小朋友的健康。


    特別要提的是,在這段期間裡Gina姊每天不辭辛苦得帶著她的小兒子Toby 和外甥 Tyler義務來幫忙上課,他們倆可是超級人氣王,不管Toby走到那裡,小朋友總是拿著魔術方塊要Toby教他們,有幾個六﹑七歲的小小朋友,已經可以掌握到技巧,完成一到兩面。一些比較大的小朋友,都可完成六面。無法完全的小小朋友,則是追著Toby要他把混色的六面轉成相同的顏色,而Toby也不負眾望的在短短幾秒內就能完


    -- Stella

    2007 Summer Camp Fourth Week

    From Summer Camp Fourth Week

    Monday, July 16, 2007

    2007 23rd Taiwanese & Chinese American Athletic Tournament Opening Ceremony

    轉載自世界日報 7/23/2007

    華運會 場面壯觀
    揭幕典禮嘉賓雲集 近百隊伍數千人參與 盛會規模越來越大


    駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處處長廖偉平與副處長李鴻祥一早就來到大會會場,經文處同仁的隊伍亦龐大整齊。僑委會副委員長鄭東興代表張富美委員長從台北來參加盛會。聖荷西市長喬可力、聖他克拉拉縣議員馬修 (Pete McHugh)、薩拉度加市長劉嘉琳、甚至德州愛迪生市的市長周建源 (Joe Chow) 也特別從遠地趕來參加此一盛會。密爾比達市長艾和諧 (Joes Esteve) 在分列式進行當中,也滿臉微笑的走上司令台,會場洋溢著歡欣的節慶氣息。








    Date: 7/22/2007 Sunday
    Location: De Anza College - Taiwanese American Center Tent
    Time: 8:00AM
    Unit Number: #20
    Dress Code:
    Adult - Please wear the beige polo shirt with Taiwan logo.
    Child - Please wear the white T-shirt and shorts. The Taiwanese native clothe will be provided before the parade.

    Snacks and water will be provided after the parade. If you have any question, please contact Gina, Cindy, or Stella.

    2007 Summer Camp Second Week

    From Summer Camp Second Week

    I like writing because writing is a subject I really like to do. I also think that I need some improvements in writing, like putting more descriptive words. Another thing I like is cooking. The reason I like cooking is because it very fun and sometimes it fun to spill stuff. The last thing I like about camp is having friends all over the place. It feels very comfortable.
    - Esther Liu

    The first thing I like is my classes like music, arts, crafts, cooking, and science. The second thing are my teachers. The third thing is break times.
    - Stephanie

    The first thing I liked was when the first day that I met Stephannie and Emily. The second thing I like is my friendly teachers. The third thing I like is being in classes, being in classes are a lot of fun.
    - Kelly Chu

    I like writing, Chinese, and crafting. Most of all I like cooking.
    - Joyce

    I like to make friends. I like cooking class. I like Joyce.
    - Vivienne

    I like to play with my friend. I like to do homework. I like to learn about...
    - Kevin Chang

    I like to play ping pong. I like to make airplane. I like to play games.
    - Ari Jeng

    Miss Gloria she is nice. M.c.c.p. I like singing. Free time I like drawing and writing.

    I like to play with my friends. I like to learn. I like to follow directions.
    - Joshua Liu

    TAC Camp is a fun day camp. The teachers are really nice and patient to everyone and really helpful. The volunteers also play a very big role in making this camp possible. They help prepare lunch and make sure the teacher and kids have everything they need. At TAC Summer Camp, we have art class, math class, music class, dance class, etc. The variety of activities are tremendous. We have really helpful teachers like Tyler, Toby, Hank, and Alan. We also have our wonderful Gloria and Ho Chie. TAC Summer Camp is the best place to spend summer.
    - Edith Chen

    This summer camp is not like any other kinds of summer camp I’ve seen. It’s a fun and interesting camp. Unlike some other summer camps, this camp has many freedoms. Everyone is like family and friends and it’s full with friendliness in this summer camp. The teachers such as Gloria, HoChie, Tyler, Toby, Hank, and Alan are wonderful and they taught us many exciting and fun things. TAC Summer Camp is the only fun and exciting camp I’ve ever been to.
    - Eunice Tseng

    TAC Summer Camp was really.. uhh fun I guess? It has some of the great classes such as Cooking and clay.
    - Cindy

    I think TAC is very fun with their activities and wonderful lunch. It is very fun for the little kids and the big kids love talking to Tyler and Toby!
    - Vivian

    Wednesday, July 11, 2007

    2007 Summer Camp First Week

    See more photos from Summer Camp First Week

    I love u. Miss Gloria.
    - Felicia

    I like camp.
    - Emily

    I love music camp!
    - Joyce Chen

    I like music camp because there is nice teacher. Mrs. Gloria.

    My first week of camp was fun, I guess. Most of my friends were there like Vivian, Lydia, Edith, Henry, Eunice, and Virgil was there. First day was clay and English. 2nd day was uhh... forgot and the rest of week was ok.
    - Cindy

    My first week of camp was quite fun, I think. We made some friends. My friends were Vivian, Cindy, Edith, Eunice, and maybe, just maybe Charlotte. My favorite classes were on Monday and Friday. On Monday, we had English and Pottery. In between, I kinda forgot and on the last day, we had origami and cooking. We had a pretty fun week, though.
    - Lydia

    This camp is fun and there're many interesting class. We're able to make new friends during the camp days. The classes can help me review the things I almost forgot about.
    - Eunice

    This camp is fun. For the first week I learned how to cook noodles! And solve a very hard problem which I can't solve. The lunch is really good. The teachers are really nice. I think that's about it for now...
    - Michelle Chen

    The only thing I like about camp is computers, math, and science with Hank.
    - Henry

    I made couple of new friends. the friends name are Jeffery and Charlie.
    - Virgil

    I made couple of new friends so I camp very much.
    - Jeffery

    I like camp because the things I like is math. I also like science.
    - Charlie

    I like camp very much. The lunches are delicious and the teachers are really nice. The activities and classes are really interesting. I have many friends here, like Eunice, Lydia, and Cindy, and Vivian. A TAYL councilor, Tyler, is also here. Miss Gloria teaches music and Toby helps with math and writing. Hank teaches us about random subjects like nutrition, Alan teaches English and Ho Chie talks to us about what it means to be ourselves. The parent volunteers have also helped out a lot. I really appreciate them. I think camp is awesome!
    - Edith

    My first week at camp was ummm... well... hmm weird. My first class on Monday... was math. The teacher was Hank. My second teacher was Ann. 3rd period was music, with Gloria. Huh ummm, I don't remember, like anything, until like Thursday. It was sorto fun, well Thursday was the funnest. Our last period well maybe Wednesday, we met Toby, the Rubiks cube Thursday, our last period, with Tyler, was my funnest day ever, I mean ever at camp. I mean literally, I never had so much fun. Tyler let us have fun during class and wasn't strict after we did what we were allowed to do what we wanted to do. It was really fun... I think I already said that. Yay! I'm very happy. I'm staying for the whole month. I'ma have fun! Hmmm... Tyler said he would come back if we were good! And I would be good, hmm, Tyler's like even funner than Ms. Lou. I never knew teacher could ever be so cool! I'm going to go for the second session... He's going to come like 2~3 times a week! He let's us have so much fun... well he can let it be fun learning, and still sorta be serious... I think I repeated a lot of stuff... but oh well!
    - Vivian Siu

    When my mother told me I had been volunteered to help out at TAC summer camp, I wasn't too sure I wanted to. But after a first day, I can say it is something I definitely want to come back to. The children here are absolutely a joy to work with. They're full of energy, ready to just have fun with anything, from writing stories to flying paper airplanes. I love being a part of this camp because it lets me get involved with the Taiwanese community. Because we are all Taiwanese, we feel an immediate bond, which becomes a great foundation to build new friendships. I have more to say.. but i just dont know how to put it into words, Honestly, I really do love working at this camp.
    - Tyler

    Tuesday, July 3, 2007

    2007 Vice President in the SF Bay Area


    呂秀蓮抵灣區 台僑熱情歡迎 副總統過境金山 僑胞在旅館前列隊揮舞民進黨黨旗及星條旗迎接





    大部分為南灣台胞的歡迎隊伍當天分乘兩輛大卡車從集合地庫比蒂諾出發,於傍晚6時許來到凱悅旅館,大家舉著綠底白字的「歡迎台灣呂副總統秀蓮蒞臨舊金山」中英文橫幅,也有人舉著「台灣加油」、「Say Yes Taiwan」的標語營造氣氛,在呂秀蓮抵達前,還多次演習呼喊歡迎口號。



    Monday, July 2, 2007

    2007 July 4th Fremont Parade

    Date: 7/4/2007
    Location: Historic Niles District of Fremont, California
    Staging Area: Second Street - South of D Street
    Reporting Time: 9:00AM
    From 7/4/2007 July 4th Fremont Parade